Friday, June 19, 2009

Whore of Babylon Puts Out

I saw this headline in one of my feeds yesterday: "Benedict calls for new world economic order." It made me chuckle. This is the kind of headline that, not so long ago, would have screamed to me, "End of the world nigh - Pope is Antichrist." Take it with a grain of salt, everything used to be such a sign.

Pope Benedict XVI has called for a new world economic order that promotes human dignity and solidarity.

Addressing the financial crisis that has swept the world this year, Pope Benedict said that "economic and financial paradigms that have been dominant in recent years must be re-thought".

A new model of development should take its place that is "more attentive to the demands of solidarity and more respectful of human dignity", he told members of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation, an organisation which promotes Catholic social teaching."

Read the whole article here. It's really a tease for Benedict's third encyclical, this one on Catholic social teaching, titled "Caritas in Vertate" (Love in Truth), that is due to be released at the end of the month.


kkollwitz said...

This is only indirectly relevant, but I thought that you, with your burgeoning fambly, would appreciate it:

My local paper has selected the winners of this year's thriftiness award....are you ready?

They're a childless couple in their late 30s, and an example of their thrift is buying Perrier and boutique cereal(Kashi?)on sale.

I bet you'd like to be able to afford such thrift.

Me, too.

truevyne said...

Okay, that title alone made me scared to read the entry. I braved it anyway, and I'm glad.