Monday, April 14, 2008

Pray for Us

I opened the truck door (he must have been holding the hinge) on my son's finger yesterday afternoon and just about took it off. I wish I were exaggerating. He needed a million stitches to close it up (I don't know the exact number, but it was a lot) and will probably be going in on Friday to have his finger operated on in order to reattach the tendon. I have never experienced so much pain, holding my son for twenty to thirty minutes while he screamed and cried and begged the doctor No, no, no. It was as if he were being tortured, and I couldn't do anything to ease or take away his pain. The finger was anesthetized, which was extremely painful (so many shots directly into the wounds), but the anesthesia was insufficient to keep the pain from him during the stitches.

He seems himself now, but my heart is going to take a while to heal. And his finger will take about four to six weeks until it's wriggling properly again.

Please pray.


truevyne said...

Oh, Scott! I ache for you and your son, and your wife. I am praying.
I believe with all my heart you'll find healing in the blood of Eucharist. And your son will find healing in your arms and comfort.

Dan said...

On the job here in west Michigan, and I'll get the entire M. clan on it too, including brother-father Steve.

clairity said...

You have my prayers, Scott. I did almost the exact same thing with my daughter when she was about three, and I felt terrible for a long time. I slammed her finger in the door (no excuse, just stressed and distracted). The door was pretty forgiving in such an obvious scenario, though there were stitches and blood and a lot of yelling and anger. This older black nurse finally told her, "Honey, stop yelling at your mama, it was just an accident. You gonna live." She's 21 now and still loves me. It wasn't even the worse thing that has happened over the years. Kids are so good at healing. ;)

Bloggin' Robin said...

OH, dear friends - our hearts go out ot you. I can only imagine how horrible that must have been! We will be praying for healing and for peace. I wish we were there to help you and encourage you right now! Love you so much!

Alison Hodgson said...

I am so sorry. I wept reading this. It will probably take you longer to heal. Four years ago I slid our van door open and hit Christopher on the head, his precious head that had already had surgery. He was soon fine, but I still feel it in the pit of my stomach when I open the van door.

I will pray for speedy healing for Will and comfort and peace for you. God won't waste this.

Ouiz said...

Praying for your son and your peace!

(I goofed up and my 8 mth old son fell off our bed onto the hardwood floor and broke his collarbone. I cried more than he did!)

Bloggin' Robin said...

Scott- just checking in for an update! Praying!