A Good Proposal follows:
From this day forward, all people shall wear laminated statements of faith that shall bear witness to their doctrines, distinctives, and practices. They shall wear them tightly about their necks. And when they meet another person of faith, they shall immediately read his Sheet. And so shall each one perfectly judge the other's share in the Kingdom.
(Context: There has been an ongoing argument, though not really, over homosexuality, though not really, that inspired this piece. If you have several free days, you can read the original articles and the extensive comments for yourself. The latest is here.)
This must be the _1984_ version of Christianity. The Biggest Brother is always watching...
People would be shocked to read my true beliefs. I've pretty much dropped most of what I've been taught all my life, and what I believed up until about four years ago. I don't think God is as intricately involved in our every day lives as we'd like to think. He gave us the Bible as principles to live by, and I think that the big picture of our life is what really matters. I concentrate on being a loving wife, mom, child & sister. I'm good to others. That's it.
I'm such a zen heathen. Give me a cup of tea, a piece of toast, twenty minutes of nothingness, just the wind, a whisp of a cloud. That's god, God, g-d, goddess, the divine. I don't want to wear anything but my love.
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