Friday, August 26, 2005

Here Am I

I was just finishing up the dishes, and one sink had about two inches of water, polka-dotted with brick-orange grease. Chicken meat floated in the water, clogged the drain. I reached my hand into the water to pop up the drain and as I felt the cool slickness of it embrace my hand, I began to gag. Old dish-gunk-food gets me gagging anyway, but here I was reaching my hand into this evil water and in my mind I couldn't get Jamie's post out of my mind. So here am I, retching over the toilet and thinking to myself what you're probably thinking, "What a pansy."


TLP said...

I just came over here from Jamie's blog. I think your reaction is GOOD AND RIGHT AND JUST. Ewwwww.

Glad I'm not the only one to gag.

Alison Hodgson said...


I am afraid to read Jamie's post. I almost gagged reading about the dish water.

Strong gag reflexers of the world unite! Wait, maybe that's not such a good idea.

Weak stomached people of the world stay where you are and have gentle sympathy for all the others!


Jamie Dawn said...

Yep, pansy did come to mind.
Get a grip Scott! Heaving over some grody, slimy, greasy food...

I'm back. I ran off to retch over the toilet. NOT!

Unknown said...

Jaymarie, I am happy to bring laughter to the West Coast. Are you back home yet?

TLP, i just can't help myself sometimes (and thanks for stopping by). I'm just glad the ralphing was a short-lived episode. When I came out of the bathroom, Anna (my weak-stomached daughter) said, "Why were you coughing?" "Coughing" is her term for gagging.

"Just because, Sweetheart," I said. I knew she wouldn't understand, "It's all Jamie Dawn's fault."

Alison, I appreciate your sympathy. I think it's an out-of-whack imagination problem. I wonder how many artists were easy-gaggers? Hmm.

Jamie, I humbly accept the title "pansy." I will try to be of sterner stuff in the future.

Unknown said...

It is pretty cool, Anna. Thanks for stopping by.