Sunday, April 16, 2006


The Catholic Catechism Dialog Blog opens today. About 16 of us have committed to reading through the catechism in the next year and writing through our reading. Our goal is to become more familiar with the teaching of the Catholic Church and to, as the title of the blog states, create dialog about the sacred tradition of the Church. There is a lot of confusion about this teaching, and a lot of error about it has been and is propagated, well, erroneously. We hope to be able to begin a godly and gracious conversation about what the Church truly believes. Most of us are not experts. Many of us are recent converts or reverts to Catholicism. But perhaps through our excitement about what we consider to be the fullness of faith, others can grow in their own love and respect for the Church. And, in so doing, become more intimate with our Lord Jesus Christ, to follow him more closely, to become covered in the dust from his sandals. (I got a little nooma there, my apologies.)

1 comment:

mckay said...

i used to belong to a very strong Catholic group called Corpus Christi Fellowship. I miss the community and encouragement i received and the spritual growth i had while i was a part of that group. perhaps this blog will fill that void. again, thanks.

who knew that reading about your childhood bottle of pee would lead me toward God. (?!)