Tuesday, October 03, 2006

On Mariology and Purgatory

On the Catholic Catechism Dialog Blog (CCDB) I've expressed some thoughts I never would have imagined I'd be expressing a year ago, yet they seem so sensible now. One post is on Mary and her treatment within Catholicism and the other is on Purgatory. I'm thinking through both subjects at the moment - the last obstacles for me, if you like, of my journey into Catholicism.

So, for those of you whom I love who remain Protestant, check them out (and don't skip the comments). I don't imagine you'll be convinced, but perhaps they may help you consider questions you have never before considered. They are not exhaustive posts, by any stretch of the imagination, but they may just get a conversation or two started. And conversation, for me at the moment, is more important than persuasion.

If you have questions for me, ask them here or there - here may be less threatening for you since you will not have a gallery of Catholics peering over your shoulder (though there are, thankfully, some).

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