Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Life can be sublime. Last night's central-North-Carolinian sunset is an example. The blue sky richened, the clouds grew pink. I sat down on the porch with my daughter and watched the waxing moon shine brightly through ethereal pinkness, framed in the golden leaves of a pecan tree, and we sang a Night Song: We praised the beauty of the evening. We thanked its Creator.

It was a perfect evening. And I wanted to drink it in. I wanted to become intoxicated with its beauty. I wanted to reach into its expanse, embrace sublimity, and somehow draw it back into my being, let it saturate and re-create my soul. I wanted to be baptized in it.


truevyne said...

Gosh,maybe the sunset was the inspiration for the David Crowder band to write their song titled "Intoxicating". Reading your words felt like I was listening to their work.

Jamie Dawn said...

How lovely. What a perfect moment.

Alison Hodgson said...

Thanks for bringing us with you.

Unknown said...

Truevyne, thanks for the compliment. I just recently discovered the David Crowder* Band when I purchased "Collision." Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful Scott. I wanted to be baptised in it too.

PS psst I'm going to the other place (grin)