Saturday, June 18, 2005

Scott Lyons (Not the Porn Star)

Have you ever googled yourself? Well, I entered "Scott Lyons" to see what would turn up, and it seems that I share my name with a gay porn star - near as I can tell without completely defrauding myself. Now my wife turned up in The Hound of the Baskervilles and I turned up in Pornland. Sweet.

So immediately I began searching other peoples names, some of your names in fact, to see if this Pornland thing was just something they do to get people to visit their sites - you know, something that generates porn sites for any name you type in at Google. (Hey, I was desperate.) I learned some interesting things about y'all. But no one turned up as a porn star.

I don't want to be a porn star. I wonder if this other Scott Lyons does.

I'm happy being boring, bespectacled me: Christ follower, husband, lover, best friend, daddy, jungle gym, writer, reader, friend, son, brother, family, great thinker, full of crap, smart-ass, dumb-ass, introvert, melancholy, emotional, humorist, satirist, falstaffian, pun-lover, sinner, saint, man, and more. Why doesn't any of that come up when I google "Scott Lyons"? I think it ought to.


ScottB said...

You do realize that by posting something containing your name and "porn star" you've added one more link to Google's association of the two?

Unknown said...

Yeah, I thought about it, but then I realized I didn't care. Maybe some poor guy looking for . . . whatever, will find my blog and see something of value here. I imagine that probably wouldn't happen, but here's to hope.